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See, Process, Change: Advanced Room Planning with 3D Reconstruction from Your Phone

Aleksander Kroshyn

We bet you tried Google Street View when using Google Maps, where you can put an orange human figure in an available spot and see what’s around. To make it work, Google uses a camera system mounted on cars, bikes, or even backpacks to capture 360-degree panoramic images. These images are then processed and stitched together to create a seamless and immersive view of the surrounding environment.

As someone who most likely tried this technology, you are probably well aware of how inconsistent the image quality may be. That’s because the quality of photographs very much depends on the conditions in which they were taken. But we still enjoy these virtual tours over streets and landmarks of cities.

Another place where you can meet this technology is real estate websites, where sellers offer virtual property tours. You can click between spots and investigate the rooms as if you are there. Oh, here is someone’s coat hanging in the hallway, and here is a toothbrush on the sink — the 360-degree panoramic view captures all the details with photographic accuracy because that’s what it is about — taking photos!


What if we tell you there is a better method for creating virtual tours? And if we tell you that virtual tours are only one of the numerous business applications of this method?

It may omit some photographic details, but let us tell you a secret: no one really needs to see anyone’s toothbrushes to get a sense of how the apartment looks. In addition, no one will need to take pictures of the apartment from every angle and clean up prior to shooting, because the method has nothing to do with photographs! 

The method is called 3 Dimensional Optical Technology (3DOT) and serves for 3D reconstruction of the interior space of the property. One can get a detailed and accurate 3D model of a room simply by pointing their smartphone camera at different parts of it. Our mobile app based on the RoomPlan API by Apple reconstructs the interior, makes a video out of it, and optimizes it — all on your smartphone.

3D reconstruction: How it works

While the main source of data for 360-degree panoramic views is the look of the room in general, the main source of data for 3D reconstruction is individual objects, their measurements, and coordinates.

Pointed at a part of a room, the camera in our mobile app identifies every object and suggests their placement in space. Using Deep Learning, the camera also detects doors, windows, wall niches, and arches. 

It is very likely that the app’s database of 3D models has a twin for every item in the room. So, using the image similarity method, every detected object is compared to models in the database, and once the analog is found among the available 3D models, it is put in the correct place in the reconstructed room.

What happens if there is a very specific picture on the wall? Well, the app will not reproduce the exact copy of your beloved dog’s portrait when making a 3D reconstruction. However, Machine Learning will handle the task of finding the model of the closest resembling picture in the database perfectly well. Again, is it really necessary to mimic every smallest detail to convey the interior’s look and feel?

If you find yourself answering a resounding yes, there is a solution for you. When you find a certain item crucial for the reconstruction, you can add it to the app’s database yourself. For that, point at the object and let the camera scan it. The object data will be captured and processed using the photogrammetry method, a method for taking overlapping photos of an object and converting them into quality 3D models.

After all, reconstructed digitally does not mean devoid of life. Enjoy how we animate interiors with moving curtains and clock hands. Right, with 3D reconstruction, you get a whole video tour of the spaces!

Use cases: More numerous than you think

Now to the practical part — use cases of 3D reconstruction. Remember we said there are more applications to it than virtual property tours? Get ready, the list will be long.

  1. Interior design. Interior designers can create a digital replica of a room and visualize how different furniture and decor will look in the space before making any physical changes. This will help them experiment with different styles and layouts without having to move heavy furniture around.
  2. Retail. Retailers can create virtual showrooms, allowing customers to visualize how products would look in their homes before making a purchase. This can help retailers increase sales and reduce returns.
  3. Museums. Museums can create virtual exhibits, allowing visitors to explore exhibits remotely and interact with objects in a 3D space. This can help museums reach a wider audience and provide a more engaging experience for visitors.
  4. Event planning. Event planners can create virtual mockups of event spaces, allowing clients to visualize how the space will look before the event. This can help event planners win more business and ensure that their events are a success.
  5. Education. Educators can create virtual classrooms and laboratories, allowing students to explore concepts in a 3D space. This can help educators provide a more engaging and interactive learning experience for students.
  6. Construction. Construction companies can create virtual models of construction sites, allowing project managers to visualize how different materials and equipment will fit into the space. This can help construction companies optimize their workflows and ensure that projects are completed on time and on budget.
  7. Art. Artists can create digital replicas of their artwork, allowing customers to visualize how the artwork will look in their homes before making a purchase. This can help artists sell more artwork and reach a wider audience.
  8. Film industry. Filmmakers can create virtual sets, allowing them to experiment with different designs and layouts before building physical sets. This can help filmmakers save time and money during the production process.

Win from newer advancements

Photography became one of the humans’ greatest achievements almost 200 years ago. Now is the era where advancements just as significant emerge, ready to change entire industries. 

Where photography is not the best option, requiring perfect lighting, preparation, and skill, newer solutions come into play. Recreate the whole interiors in minutes and view them from any angle without limits. 3D optical technology has been around for years, and over this time it has been fine-tuned by developers to be error-prone for a great variety of tasks. 

So whether you are looking to create virtual tours of properties, plan events or assist construction workers, you are getting a solution to solve your problem. All it takes to start working is contacting us to set up a database of objects for your needs.

Tensorway is more than just a company that specializes in Artificial Intelligence. It is a team of passionate and skilled individuals who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI technology. With developers winning Kaggle competitions among our ranks, we have a deep understanding of the latest developments in the AI field and are always eager to take on new and challenging projects.

Driven by a desire to create innovative solutions that can make a positive impact on the world, we approach every project with a sense of excitement and determination. Whether it's developing advanced machine learning algorithms, analyzing complex data sets, or building custom AI applications, we put our all into everything we do.

Irina Lysenko
Head of Sales
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